I am pursuing a Ph.D. in the University of Notre Dame Biophysics Graduate Program with Dr. Katharine White, researching how pH dynamics allosterically regulate signaling proteins (2020-TBD). I am interested in how transient changes in intracellular pH affect the activity and function of these proteins that regulate these cellular events. My research goal is to characterize the molecular mechanism of pH sensitive ionizable residue networks using computational and experimental approaches.

Before Notre Dame, I received my bachelors in Cell and Molecular Biology from the DePauw University, where I worked with Dr. Pascal Lafontant on comparative cardiac regeneration(2018-2020). I also studied how the cellular environment played a role in regulating protein stability and dynamics(2018-2020) in Dr. Emily Guinn’s lab. During the summer of 2018, I participated in an Undergraduate Research Internship at John’s Hopkins University, where I worked with Dr. Joshua Vogelstein(2018). In the Neurodata Lab, I visualized and analyzed neuroimaging datasets including EEG and fMRI.

Outside research, I enjoy making art, cooking, reading African Literature, and playing board & video games.